Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wedding Invitation Wording

Choosing the wording for your wedding invitations can be difficult and confusing. Invitation Consultants have compiled a list (their own and from customers) to help you find one that best fits your situation. Here are the most common:

Bride and Groom inviting together

request the honour of your presence at their marriage
on Saturday, the sixth of October
two thousand twelve
at three o’clock in the afternoon
XYZ Church
12345 Something Street
State or Province, Country

Bride and Groom inviting with Parents

Together with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. BrideFather and BrideMother XYZ
Mr. andMrs. GroomFather and GroomMother XYZ,
request the honour of your presence at their marriage
on Saturday, the sixth of October
two thousand twelve
at three o’clock in the afternoon
XYZ Church
12345 Something Street
State or Province, Country

Bride’s parents inviting (easily changed for groom’s parents)

Mr. and Mrs. FatherName and MotherName XYZ
request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter
son of
Mr. and Mrs. FatherName and MotherName XYZ
Saturday, the sixth of October
two thousand twelve
at three o'clock in the afternoon
XYZ Church/Venue
12345 Something Street
State or Province, Country

Bride and Groom’s parents inviting

Mr. and Mrs. BrideFather and BrideMother XYZ
Mr. and Mrs. GroomFather and GroomMother XYZ
invite you to share in the joy of the marriage uniting their children
Ashley Marie Kling
Patrick Everett Langston
on Saturday, the sixth of October

two thousand twelve
at three o'clock in the afternoon
XYZ Church/Venue
12345 Something Street
State or Province, Country

For non-religious ceremonies, change "honour of your presence" to "pleasure of your company."
For non-religious ceremonies, change "uniting their children" to "joining their children."

Cocktail hour or reception right after the ceremony?
Reception immediately following at XYZ Venue

Is the reception a few hours after the ceremony?
Reception to follow at XYZ Venue at six o’clock in the evening

For more (ie: divorced parents, destination weddings), visit Invitation Consultants.

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